Welcome to the Stony Brook Camera Club

For over 50 years SBCC's mission statement has been “To promote enjoyment and proficiency in all aspects of photography through education, fellowship, exchange of knowledge and experience; and a broad appreciation of nature and environment.”  

SBCC includes and welcomes members of all abilities. Whether a casual smartphone shooter or an advanced photographer, everyone grows in knowledge and experience through SBCC’s many programs and workshops.

The Stony Brook Camera Club meets in-person and/or virtually on Thursdays at 7:30pm from September to June. In-person social hour begins at 6:30pm and zoom social hour is 7:00pm.  See our calendar for the schedule of events. Our meetings feature competitions, speakers, image studies and discussions of general interest. We also sponsor a number of image-taking activities all year.

Anyone is welcome to attend and experience what we are about, although participation in competitions and our many activities requires membership (see the Membership menu item in the Main Menu above).

We hope you enjoy this site and your time with us all.


The Slideshow to the right features Ribbon Winning Images from our 2024-2025 Competitions.


     Interested in seeing what Stony Brook Camera Club is all about? You are welcome to join as a Guest Member for 30 days. 

     Just fill out this Form and you will be added to the attendee list for the next 30 days. 



Upcoming Meetings



REMINDER: Competition Deadline Friday, March 21st at 11:59pm - Altered Reality, Digital Open and Travel

March 27th - Zoom - Talk PhotographyOrganized by Faith Martin

Six members share their expertise on a particular topic in this fun and exciting evening:

Jim Borrebach - Photographic Composition and the Gestalt Principles

Hali Sowle - Photographing Submerged Flowers

Lynda Appel - Fun with AI, Using TK 9 Generative AI program (a free plugin for Photo Shop)

David Brick - Using the AI features in Lightroom

Silvana Della Camera - Focus Stacking

Ed Szymanski - Planting to Bring Bees, Butterflies, and Birds into Your Yard (so you can photograph them)


April 3rd - Zoom - Competition - Altered Reality, Digital Open and Travel


April 10th - Zoom - "the Important Connection Between Art and Craft" presented by Freeman Patterson

Fluency in the photographic craft, i.e. ease in using photographic tools and techniques and knowing the building blocks of visual design plus useful guidelines for arranging them in picture space (composition) does not produce art any more than fluency in a language means that a person has anything of value to express. ART is conceived in our imagination, our dreams, and our passions. We use CRAFT to give it birth, that is visible or audible form. This presentation explores this important connection.



April 17th - Zoom - "Black and White" presented by Geff Bourke


Bio: I started with film and was driven to understand every aspect of the development process. At one point, I even built my own darkroom to process my images. Like many photographers, I’ve since transitioned to digital photography, using Sony equipment. Digital photography gives me creative freedom, allowing me to manipulate each image to reflect a particular mood or perspective. I still enjoy shooting with film, which I process at home and convert to digital format for further exploration.

My background in graphic arts, which I studied in college, shaped how I compose my images. Understanding design and perspective has had a profound impact on my photography. I hope you enjoy my galleries – they are a true expression of how I see the world.



REMINDER: April 7th - Multi-Club Deadline - Monday at 11:59 PM


 Women vs Men Photo Challenge is back!!!

 In January, each woman’s name was randomly paired with a male club member, and the two were randomly assigned a category. You may interpret the category as you wish, and you can use images taken at any date.  Images must be submitted by May 30, 2025 at midnight (submission instructions will be sent out before then).

The Challenge will be held on June 5, 2025 both at the Church and streamed live on Zoom. Each woman’s image will be shown side-by-side with their male counterpart, where 2 judges (one female, one male) will evaluate and pronounce the winner. The overall Women vs Men winner will be tabulated and announced at the end of the evening.

While this is a Challenge, it is designed to be fun. Embrace the fun!


Upcoming Workshops

April 27 - Exploring the Boston Common and Public Garden in Spring with Ginny Castro

 Join our very knowledgeable guide, Ginny Castro, for a spring outing with a focus on the Boston Common and Public Garden. 

Photo opportunities:

- Nature (birds, flowering trees, flower beds)

- Street photography

- Landscape

Registration opens 4/10/25 at 5 pm and is limited to 12 members.

For more info and to register click here: Stony Brook Camera Club - Event Details


June 1 - Mindful Photography with Janet Casey

More info coming soon



6th Annual Multi-Club Competition Categories

1. Birds in the Human Environment
2. Clouds
3. Environmental Portrait
4. Night Photography – People and Places
5. Perspective
6. Selective Focus
7. The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat
8. Trees

Complete definitions are here>>> /d/ff3f0c75-b134-4e39-86dd-2d819bd1e3e9

Each club member may choose to submit digital photographic images in any or all of the eight categories listed above. Members may submit up to 2 images for each category.  Categories have been chosen both to ensure members do not need any special skills to compete, and to provide a group of categories that provide a means to express some individualism.

Image creation: April 1, 2024 thru March 31, 2025

Member Voting starts April 11th and ends April 21st.  Competition is May 8th


SBCC members can join the SBCC Meetup group for free. We schedule photo walks and field trips via Meetup.

This is the LINK  to Meetup. How to schedule a Meetup - click HERE






SBCC Reflections is back! In case you aren't familiar with the newsletter, you can check out past issues HERE.

Donna Parker and Tom Amsterburg are now the editors of Reflections and they would like to solicit articles from members for the newsletter, such as travelogues, how-to articles, review of favorite editing software, "how I made this image", and so forth.  They want to hear from YOU, our members, so please reach out to them with your images and article ideas. Below are the links to their email addresses.

Tom's EMAIL 
Donna’s EMAIL



Need suggestions for places to go out and shoot?


Check out our information on Photo Shoot Locations at /d/b56444bf-9b6e-4ac3-a22d-b3e2f5f766be   or Click on the “Resources & Links” tab and then Click on “Photo Shoot Locations”.



SBCC COVID-19 Policy

    1. Face masks are optional.

    2. SBCC is pleased to offer a hybrid format for those meetings that will be held in-person this season.  
        Any members not comfortable attending will always have the option of joining remotely via Zoom or a similar streaming format.

  1. We will keep current with trends and regulations and may change our policy as needed.


Some of the year's events are       A proud member of:             Join Our Facebook Group                Instagram
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© Stony Brook Camera Club - All rights reserve 1969 - 2025.  All images on this web site are copyright the maker and may not be copied or used in any manner without the express  written consent of the maker.


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